Cursuri Gratuite de Limba Engleza

Cursuri GRATUITE de limba Engleză! Indiferent dacă sunteți începător, intermediar sau avansat si locuiți în Walsall, cursurile noastre interactive sunt concepute pentru a vă îmbunătăți cunoștințele și abilitățile. Acest program se desfășoară până la sfârșitul lunii martie, așa că nu așteptați, profitați de ocazie și înregistrați-vă astăzi! Locurile sunt limitate, așa că acționați acum și…

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Youth Empower Connect: Igniting Futures

We are excited to announce the launch of Youth Empower Connect: Igniting Futures, a transformative initiative designed to equip young individuals with the essential skills and knowledge needed for a successful transition from school to community life. This program is proudly funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Community Grant, and we extend our heartfelt…

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Empowering A Healthy Style Living 180 Days A Better Me Challenge

Join our exciting new initiative to build strong community connections and boost personal growth! With workshops on communication, health, confidence, and career prep, you’ll gain valuable skills, make new friends, and thrive in your community. Funded by The National Lottery, this is your chance to grow and succeed! Register via the link: Dudley Fields…

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