24.01.1859 The Unification of Romanian Principalities, 165 years!
24.01.1859 The Unification of Romanian Principalities. Romanian+ Community Centre celebrated The Unification of Romanian Principalities….
24.01.1859 The Unification of Romanian Principalities. Romanian+ Community Centre celebrated The Unification of Romanian Principalities. Known as Ziua Unirii, Unification Day is always celebrated on January 24th. Since the 14th century, Moldavia and Wallachia have been principalities in Eastern Europe. In 1859, Alexandru Ioan Cuza was elected as ruler of both principalities, creating the Union…
Thank you all for making this event possible! Romanian+ Community Centre – ROMANIAN NATIONAL DAY Multumim tuturor celor care au facut acest eveniment posibil! Ziua Nationala a Romaniei- Romanian+ Community Centre
Stimați membri ai comunității, Vă invităm să participați la o sesiune de informare GRATUITA, care va avea loc azi, la ora 12:30, in colaborare cu partenerii nostri: • DOR – Romanian Diaspora – doamna Sorina Stallard • Ispam Consulting Ltd – doamna Mihaela Ispas În cadrul acestei sesiuni, vom aborda subiecte de mare interes pentru…
Happy 6th Anniversary, Walsall For All! Congratulations on six incredible years of fostering equality, equity, inclusion, and cohesion in Walsall! It’s inspiring to see the positive impact of all the activities you’ve supported and the amazing work you continue to do. Here’s to many more years of building a stronger and more inclusive community! Thank…
Thank you very much for recognising our work to help Walsall residents, we are very proud and happy to be part of Walsall Connected network! #WalsallForAll Voluntary Sector – Walsall North #WalsallCouncil Walsall Community Network #WalsallConnectedNetwork #WalsallConnected
The Romanian+ Community Centre was pleased to welcome you to the event “Awakening… with Mihai Eminescu,” organised to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the birth of our great national poet. We gathered to explore and better understand the cultural legacy left by Mihai Eminescu. We discussed his life and work, analysing them in the socio-political…
Come to Romanian+ Community Centre at Dudley Fields Community Centre, Sneyd Hall Road,WS3 2NN. Free coffee, a hot soup and refreshments available! Let’s get to know each other better! We are waiting for you every Tuesday from 12-2 pm.
On January 12th, the Walsall SDA Church organised a fantastic Health Expo,at Romanian+ Community Centre, a community event designed to empower individuals with knowledge and tools for better health. Attendees received free health screenings and tests, covering a wide range of health aspects from diabetes to weight management. The Health Expo was an interactive experience…
Dear Community Members, We are excited to announce our new project, “Unity in Motion: Dance, Walk, and Dine,” aimed at bringing our community together through joyful and healthy activities. We need your support to make this initiative a reality! We only have 37 days left! How to Like the Project 1. Visit the Project Page:…
Romanian+ Community Centre are plăcerea de a vă invita Sâmbătă 18.01.2025, ora 17:00, pentru a celebra 175 de ani de la nașterea celui care a fost Mihai Eminescu. Vom încerca împreună să deslușim moștenirea culturală a acestuia. Participarea la acest eveniment este gratuită. Acest eveniment este recomandat persoanelor cu vârsta peste 16 ani. Subiectele dezbătute…
Cursuri GRATUITE de limba Engleză! Indiferent dacă sunteți începător, intermediar sau avansat si locuiți în Walsall, cursurile noastre interactive sunt concepute pentru a vă îmbunătăți cunoștințele și abilitățile. Acest program se desfășoară până la sfârșitul lunii martie, așa că nu așteptați, profitați de ocazie și înregistrați-vă astăzi! Locurile sunt limitate, așa că acționați acum și…
As we approach the 35th anniversary of the Romanian revolution, we hear from Tom about his book which details ‘the transition years’ and find out what has changed since its publication. Please do send us your comments and questions – we love hearing what you think!