24.01.1859 The Unification of Romanian Principalities, 165 years!

24.01.1859 The Unification of Romanian Principalities. Romanian+ Community Centre celebrated The Unification of Romanian Principalities. Known as Ziua Unirii, Unification Day is always celebrated on January 24th. Since the 14th century, Moldavia and Wallachia have been principalities in Eastern Europe. In 1859, Alexandru Ioan Cuza was elected as ruler of both principalities, creating the Union…

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Ziua deschisa pentru comunitate 2023

WALSALL COUNCIL va invita la ziua deschisa pentru comunitate! In cadrul proiectului Achieve your goals,organizat in parteneriat cu Hillary Primary School, Walsall Council impreuna cu YES Energy Solutions vor oferi suport si sfaturi in vederea imbunatatirii eficientei energetice pentru proprietatile din Walsall, cat si ajutor privind accesarea masurilor oferite gratuit de catre Walsall Council,persoanelor eligibile:…

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Remembering the Royals – 2023

We were happy to be with you on our first event – Remembering the Royals. THANK YOU for coming! We hope you enjoyed it! ROMANIANS+ ENGLISH people spent 4 hours with their children in a great place, Abbey Primary School! We were happy to get a lot of useful information from different organisations; children played…

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Youth Empower Connect: Igniting Futures

We are excited to announce the launch of Youth Empower Connect: Igniting Futures, a transformative initiative designed to equip young individuals with the essential skills and knowledge needed for a successful transition from school to community life. This program is proudly funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Community Grant, and we extend our heartfelt…

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Halloween party 2023

Halloween party la Romanian +Community Centre, o zi placuta cu romani frumosi! Va multumim ca ati participat alaturi de noi si va asteptam la următorul eveniment! Thank you Green rivers community association for letting us the space, children enjoyed the event!Multumesc din suflet prietenelor si prietenilor care m au ajutat sa fac acest eveniment posibil!

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